Reclaim Your Energy For an Amazing Year of Success
The end of the year brings random pockets of downtime to reflect on the year gone by. This could be the perfect time to use these reflections to strategize for the new year. What is the life you want to have? With 12 months to make major changes and small shifts, this post has tips for removing what no longer serves you.
The end of the year can slow you down, whether it’s cold weather, shorter days, or holiday fatigue. This is the perfect time to focus on what is working for you and what might be holding you back. You can take advantage of this time to reflect on what drained your energy and boosted your vitality this past year.
This strategy brings to mind the activities, habits, and even relationships that hemorrhage energy. By looking at what boosted you, you can arm yourself with better strategies for keeping your energy up to achieve.
We all want more time and energy especially as we embark on a New Year after a jam-packed holiday season. And yet, we don’t always take the time to explore how various aspects of our lives can be an overall drain. This post will provide you with tips to identify these energy drains that affected your 2024 so you can transform your life in the new year.

Start with a List
The best place to start is with a simple list of your drains and gains this past year. Has a new workout routine or vitamin supplement boosted your energy? Did spending time sifting through a disorganized closet or a bad habit leave you drained?
Take a deep dive through the various areas of your life and think about what drains energy. This could be in your home, at work, your schedule, or even your body. It could be a ton of clutter in your living space, a lack of preparedness, or a schedule that’s not in alignment with your natural energy. This can also be things that waste time or space.
Also, be sure to note what gave you energy. This could be fun new activities, time with family and friends, or new physical activities that overall give a jolt to your day, week, or month. By highlighting the gains to your energy you can look at what to incorporate more into your schedule to give you more energy to make it through your days and weeks to boost next year’s success.
Once you have this list, start looking at some items you want to remove from your life. Are there time-wasting activities, or issues you should devote your time and energy to resolving?
One major drain on our energy is needless complexity. We can often make our lives more complicated than they need to be. We may have too much stuff, too many extraneous activities on our schedule, or too many obligations. What are the areas of your life that you can simplify?
By simplifying your schedule and life you can reclaim a lot of wasted energy by pruning what isn’t as important. It can be easy to get swept away and needlessly exhaust or distract yourself. By simplifying matters in your life you ensure that you ultimately get more done, save time, and focus more on what matters.
By simplifying you can snip some of the excess that can cause distraction or prematurely exhaust you. Speaking of excess…

Embrace Minimalism
In a society fixated on more we can miss how over-acquiring and overloading ourselves can ultimately be a drain over time. Too much stuff around your home can mean you waste time and energy sorting through extraneous items or end up consistently reorganizing and decluttering.
How much more time and energy would you reclaim if you could spend less time managing your space? If you have an overloaded schedule you can often end up getting less of your key important tasks done. By focusing on quality over quantity you’ll have an easier time knowing what’s best worth your energy.
Minimalism has been found to offer quite a few benefits. It’s been found to increase your overall mood, and competency at completing tasks. There’s a natural positive feeling to not having a lot of visual clutter. Minimalism can also help provide what some describe as more “mental space.” The less you have distracting you and taking up physical space the more space you have to think clearly.
A study even found that visual clutter can alter the flow of information in the brain. Clutter has been found to undermine your focus and can even encourage you to engage in bad behavior to soothe the subconscious toll (a.k.a. drain) of the clutter in your space.
Stop Multitasking
One common but potentially secret drain is multitasking. We often think that when we do more tasks at once we’re getting more done. However, the idea that multitasking is more efficient is a myth. Studies have found that multitasking costs. Switching tasks causes mental blocks and a lag as our brain shifts to the next task. Over time, this ultimately wastes small amounts of time and energy.
Multitasking can be a subtle drain on time, energy, focus, and productivity. While you may find some subtle wins by more deeply examining the moments and activities that force you to multitask you may be able to regain some energy. By eliminating multitasking you can fundamentally gain more time, accomplishment, and efficiency over time.

Energy Boosting Tools
There are tools that can actually give you more energy. Leela Quantum Tech has products that increase your natural energy with a flow of pure quantum energy. The Quantum Bloc offers energy healing and a natural boost to a given space. It works by charging items like beverages, tools, or even food with pure positive energy.
This quantum energy boost gives you more vitality. Leela Quantum Tech products like the Quantum Bloc and H.E.A.L. capsule necklace boost ATP production which is the cellular unit of energy. This flow of quantum energy also helps neutralize the electromagnetic radiation in our tech-heavy world which can negatively impact your body and energy levels.
Additionally, having more energy can help you better diagnose when some activities, habits, or even people can be draining. Sometimes our drains get the best of us because we are so depleted we may not even be aware of how we’re affected. With more energy, you can better notice subtle dips in your energy to take the steps to eliminate or restructure these issues with
Focus on What You Can Control
A commonly unforeseen drain on energy is trying to control situations you simply cannot. Rather than wasting valuable vitality obsessing over other people or situations out of your control, what if you just manage your side of the street?
This could be dealing with a family member who is always late, a coworker who doesn’t carry their weight, or trying to change people or situations. By going with the flow, you can more readily focus your energy on reacting to what happens rather than wasting energy obsessing over what you cannot or on futile attempts to try to control what’s outside your power.
This may sound challenging or simple but this is a valuable exercise in keeping an eye on how you manage your energy, mood, and how you let the outside world affect you.

One of the biggest drains of our energy is stress. When you are suddenly overwhelmed by nervous energy, anxiety, or even just rushing you don’t realize this drains your energy. Maybe the solution is as simple as waking up 15 minutes earlier. Or perhaps it’s removing some of the biggest causes of stress from your life.
For example, an issue could be a messy home. Maybe hiring a cleaner to come once a week might give you so much energy to your week rather than dealing with the guilt or shame spiral of looking at a messy kitchen or trying to navigate a messy closet.
Making larger-scale decisions to address small consistent energy drains can give you back so much energy. You may find you can make much more money or get more work done that warrants covering the cost of a cleaner. You may find you reclaim so much time by finding an alternate route to work.
As humans, we naturally seek routine. However, not all of our routines benefit us. If we are too busy doing things that simply do not work well we rob ourselves of the opportunity to improve. By examining what gives us energy and needlessly takes it away we regain so much more control over our lives.
The better we manage the use of our vitality the more we ensure it is devoted to our goals. This can transform your life over the course of 12 months and can truly transform your life by this time next year.