We are becoming more aware of manifestation as a concept. While people have differing beliefs about how it works whether it’s the law of attraction, quantum entanglement or just giving you a clearer sense of purpose. It’s clear more people are embracing the benefits of manifestation, but how exactly does it work?
Regardless of what you believe, a clear picture of what you want can positively impact your life.
While some may dismiss manifestation as magical thinking there have been many cases of people manifesting their dreams into reality.
Before he started banking 10 million dollars per film actor Jim Carey famously wrote himself a check for that exact amount. Ariana Grande’s recent turn as Glinda in Wicked may have begun with the vision she shared in a 2011 tweet.
It may seem a bit outlandish but everyone can agree our thoughts have power. Our thoughts direct our lives and our energy can be impacted by what we choose to focus on and what we let ourselves believe. Not to mention our emotions and our energy.
This post will pool together some key ideas to remember for more effective manifestation. While it is not an exact science there are certain keys to ensure that you not only manifest successfully but manifest what you want and need. Here are some keys to help you attract the successful outcome of your vision.

Be Clear
Part of successful manifestation is being clear about what you want. If you remember your favorite fairy tales when you make a wish with a genie you have to be very specific. Similarly, the universe is subject to not only our free will but the collective manifestations of everyone in it.
This means if you are not super specific the universe can fill in the gaps. You run the risk of attracting what you want but also revealing life lessons, unhealed issues, or just plain areas for growth. The clearer you are in your vision the more likely it will manifest into reality.
If you’re not super clear, other energies can affect your manifestation. For example, you may put the perfect partner on a list and attract just that. This person can be the perfect match to your list but everything that you haven’t thought of can pop up.
These less desirable qualities can reveal the areas you still have to work on in your life and may show up in your character. That relationship might also trigger unhealed wounds, challenge you to grow in certain areas or create conflict.
We can also sometimes manifest what we need rather than what we want. Sometimes the reason your manifestations might be off is because you may have lessons to learn, karma to burn, or some other aspect of your life that must be in alignment for that wish to come true.
Be Aware
It’s commonly believed that how we feel can impact manifestations. We must be aware of how we are feeling. Famous Law of Attraction proponent Esther Hicks often talks about how the most important key to manifestation is focusing on the emotion you want to feel. She elaborates on it in her book, The Astonishing Power of Emotions: Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide.
After all, if we are in the emotion or thought of lacking what we want we are less likely to be in alignment with that exact thing. That’s why it’s important to be really aware of what you are thinking and feeling. After all, clear manifestations stem from a clear vision of what you want and the feeling you already have it.
This emotional anchor can provide a north star to inform your actions, intentions, and ideas. That can make it easier to make it happen. This makes you more likely to take the steps to help bring it into reality.
Another benefit to awareness is sometimes random thoughts like “I need to go to the store” or “I should call my friend Denise.” can be little clues on the steps of manifesting. They can be the breadcrumbs that lead you to your wish fulfilled.

Be Reflective
Manifestation is not an exact science. It does require trial and error and getting to know yourself. The more you can effectively channel your energy towards what you want the more likely you can bring what you visualize into reality. However, issues can hide in unconscious thoughts, simple missteps you’re making, or even in how you’re feeling.
Sometimes you will get what you’ve tried to manifest but it can be off. Taking the time to reflect on what is and is not working can help you gain a clearer picture of what is and is not working in a larger aspect of your life.
The ability to manifest can work like our muscles. Nothing begins instantly or works perfectly at first. Reflecting on your successful and unsuccessful manifestations, as well as the thoughts, emotions, and actions you’re regularly giving your energy to can help you better manifest. Try journaling or logging what is and is not working and how closely your desires come to fruition.
Be Grateful
Author of The Secret Rhonda Byrne in her follow-up book, The Magic talks about how gratitude is one of the keys to successfully manifesting your hopes and dreams. To attract more, you have to be properly grateful for what you already have. A sense of gratitude is a way to show the universe that you are open to more.
Gratitude facilitates an energy of abundance rather than an energy of lack. The more grateful you are, the more you appreciate your life. What you appreciate appreciates so much more of your life can expand if you nurture and honor what you have. By celebrating your wins and really valuing what you’ve been given you’re ready to receive more.

Be Full of Energy
One way to boost your ability to effectively call in the life that you want is having more energy. Leela Quantum Tech products provide you with pure quantum energy. Quanta are the basic units of energy and quantum energy is the purest form of energy.
The scientific belief that is the closest to confirming how manifestation works is quantum entanglement. This basically posits that particles can be linked and their behavior can match regardless of time and space. So a particle in your toothbrush could correspond to a particle in deep space and what affects one can affect the other.
These tools can give you more energy to effectively boost your ability to manifest. The Leela Quantum Bloc charges items with pure quantum energy. You can charge crystals, water, or even food but you can also use it to imbue an intention or manifestation.
Also, all Leela Quantum Tech products have been found to protect your body against EMF radiation. The electromagnetic field of all our devices combined with 5G and Wi-Fi from all of our internet access can wreak havoc on our bodies. Studies have found that Leela Quantum Tech products can neutralize this effect.
This added energy can also boost your health by helping with cellular recovery and energy production in the form of ATP.
Be Working
Some of the blocks of manifestation are your own. Figuring out how to get rid of some of these blocks is by doing the mental and emotional work to help manifest the life you want. You do have to keep an eye on how your mindset, personal choices, and energy can be working against your manifestations.
Let’s say you want to manifest more money or a higher-paying job. If you are focused on your money issues or lack of enough money you’ll only call more of that in.
Also, while manifesting can be very effective it’s not a magic solution. You still have to take those initial steps and make efforts to get closer to what you want. Manifesting can help take a lot of the pressure off but you still have to do the work to get closer to what you want and to make it happen for yourself.

What we think and feel can so deeply affect our lives. What we want to create can require the right outlook, effort, and energy. Here’s hoping these tips have given you strategies to more effectively call that life and whatever those specific things are into your life more effectively.
The right effort and energy can go a long way in making it happen for you.