Working out can be your daily dose of endorphins or a slough depending on your physical fitness level. Exercise is a vital part of maintaining your health and even if you’re just getting the bug to prepare for the holiday season or new year working out is important. Could the secret ingredient to your training schedule be quantum energy?
Working out can up your vitality and energy levels but your post-workout habits can be just as important as the exercise itself. After all, these practices help your body recoup and can aid in your goals of being stronger, leaner, more muscular or having higher energy levels. The proper post workout can ensure shorter recovery times, better flexibility and more muscle.
Maybe you’re struggling with motivation, following through, or pushing yourself. Quantum energy can offer a few different benefits to your fitness goals . There are even strategies to integrate quantum energy into your standard pre or post-work out routine like hydration, meal-prep, and even your protein shakes.
This post will offer some tips for how you can use quantum energy to help you reach your fitness goals. Before we share how to use quantum energy let’s quickly review some benefits of quantum energy.
What Can Quantum Energy Do For You Physically?
Quantum energy is essentially pure positive energy. Some energies like EMF radiation can potentially drain your energy. Certain free radicals from pollution, fried foods, cigarettes and even some of our own cells can put our living cells under stress. On the atomic level they’re trying to get the electrons they’re missing from healthy cells.
Quantum energy is a net positive energy so it’s similar to antioxidants by being able to tackle these free radicals. It’s able to offer electrons to these hungry ions so it can help your cells preserve their own electrons. It’s also able to help give your body energy that can be beneficial before or after an intense workout.
On the cellular level, in addition to protecting your cells from free radicals, quantum energy can also boost ATP production. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a neurotransmitter and a storage molecule for energy in the body. It’s considered the universal fuel of the cell because your body needs to transmit the energy from the food you digest to cells. ATP is also vital for creating DNA.
One study found quantum energy can increase ATP production by 20-29% percent. This means that not only do you feel more energy from quantum energy, your body is more effectively utilizing the energy that you’re consuming in your food and processing in your body.

Another benefit of quantum energy is that it can boost cellular recovery and wound healing. One study examined human dermal fibroblasts (HDF) which are the cells involved in wound healing and the cells that can suffer from collagen loss as we age.
The study found that quantum energy increased these cell’s response by 45.8% to 79.2% and in some cases even 100%. Muscle training is a form of wounding and healing. You break down muscle tissue and as your muscles rebuild they’re bigger and stronger.
While more research needs to be done this is promising information on how quantum energy can boost your workout goals. So how exactly can you use quantum energy in your workouts?
How Can You Use Quantum Energy?
Leela Quantum Tech has created a suite of products that allow you to get direct access to quantum energy. This quantum technology can either give your body quantum energy or even allow you to “charge” water, pre or post workout beverages and even your food with pure quantum energy.
The Leela Quantum Bloc allows you to place items on the bloc platform and have them infused with pure energy. This can mean charging water or other beverages. You can even place food items on the bloc to ensure that the energy is harmonized so it’s at its highest potential when you eat it.
There’s also a Leela Quantum Water Bottle so you can simply fill it with water and get all of the benefits of quantum energy. it structures your water so it’s at its highest potential. It also offers a cleaner fresher taste while ensuring it is charged with pure quantum energy. That way, you get all the physical benefits on the go.
There’s even a H.E.A.L. capsule necklace you can wear. It’s filled with charged titanium spheres that give you a boost of quantum energy. You can add and remove beads to give you different levels of energy for workouts, workdays or just day-to-day activities. This gives you the benefits of quantum energy while also addressing those free radicals and other energy drains in real time.

How Do Athletes Use Quantum Energy?
Many popular athletes use some of this quantum tech to help them step-up their physical goals with quantum energy. Biohacking has become common for people to push their body’s potential to the next level. Athletes are using this quantum tech to hack their bodies into working better.
Professional athlete Blaine McConnell uses the quantum bloc to charge his electrolyte water and regularly wears his H.E.A.L. capsule necklace. He’s found that this gives him higher energy levels and actually reduces his muscle cramping.
Pole vaulter Carson Waters finds that his quantum tech products not only help him with engaging with EMFs. He regularly uses his quantum energy products as a staple when traveling. Traveling can mean being exposed to a lot of people and varying energies and bacteria and viruses and he’s found these products to provide him with the proper protection.
Racecar driver Danica Patrick even charges beverages including wine with her quantum bloc. The benefits to these products seem endless but suffice it to say they are helping athletes take their bodies to the next level.
The right workout regimen can ensure that your body looks the way you want it to, you feel stronger, have more energy and overall have a better mood. While people may seek out specialty diets or meal plans, boutique beverages, or products to push their potential and supercharge their workouts the answer just might be the right energy.
Quantum energy has benefits to your vitality, physical healing and rejuvenation and just might be what you need to push through to the next level of your fitness goals and exercise program to get the most of your body and feel your fittest.