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Infinity Bloc Booster Capsule

$ 199.00

  • Refined with advanced quantum energy technology (5,600 advanced Bloc)
  • Special capsule to be used exclusively with Infinity Blocs that were PURCHASED BEFORE 2024.
  • Elevate the Energy of Your Infinity Bloc (purchased before 2024) to 2,700 on the Hawkins Scale
  • Includes a special Harmony Feature and Buffering Mechanism
  • Afterwards, it can be used as a Quantum Energy Pendant
  • Designed Using High-Quality Brass
  • Contains No Spheres

NOTE: If you purchased an Infinity Bloc after 1 January 2024, it is already at a level of 3,800 on the Hawkins scale, and the booster capsule is not necessary.

8 in stock


If you purchased an Infinity Bloc BEFORE 2024, then the Infinity Bloc Booster Capsule is perfect for raising your Bloc to a new level that you cannot achieve even with the upgrades possible with Infinity Blocs. The Infinity Bloc Booster capsule also transfers the harmony feature and a buffer function to your Infinity Bloc so that the high energy level can be easily accepted by everyone around the bloc.

When using the Infinity Bloc Booster capsule, it does not matter which generation your Infinity Bloc is from.

IMPORTANT: After using the capsule, give yourself, i.e., your body, your cells, and your mind, time to synchronize with the new energy level and energy flow. With an Infinity Bloc Set, please wait at least three months (possibly longer) after boosting before continuing with the upgrade of your Infinity Blocs. After using the capsule, your two Infinity Blocs will already be at a level of up to 2,700 on the Hawkins scale, which is very, very powerful.

Here you can find a tutorial on how to use the Infinity Bloc Booster capsule.

Good Vibes and Kind Words

from Our Happy Customers

Melissia B.
I used your new Leela Q H.E.A.L. card yesterday. It’s really beautiful! Starting with the gorgeous healing purple bag! Such a nice quality! Love the material and design of the card! I held the card against my chest for about 20 min last night and I got very sleepy. I slept so good last night but may not of been a fair test due to how my day went. This morning I took the old HEAL frequency, Happy card, your new HEAL card and several other cards I have made with different frequencies and closed my eyes and muscle tested each card not knowing which one my husband was holding against me.... I tested 3 different times which one was the most beneficial and each time my body picked the new Leela Q H.E.A.L. card. I’m currently charging me a brass capsule with the frequency. Thank you! 🙏❤️
Felix B.
I’m very impressed with the new Leela quantum capsule and its new H.E.A.L. frequency set. It’s the most powerful capsule I’ve tried so far and I really like it’s brass. A very special product.

A New Era For Health:

Quantum Healing