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Managing Your Emotional Energy: How to Have Intense Feelings Without Losing Your Peace

Your emotions can inform all aspects of your life. However, contrary to what you might think, you have some control over what degree they affect you. If your emotions get the best of you, they can rob you of peace of mind, pull focus, and leave you drained. However, if you don’t listen to them, aspects of your life can go drastically wrong.

The key is learning to manage your feelings and decide the toll you let these emotions have on you. Emotions are like the ocean and you’re on a boat. You can’t control when a huge wave comes your way, you can only steer the ship. Sometimes you need to push back against them, relax, and let them do their thing, or redirect them in a different direction.

Additionally, psychologically there seem to be countless ways we can become emotionally dysregulated. Trauma, stress, addiction, and even the sugary snack or iced latte you have at lunch can impact your emotional levels. That being said, one spiritual and conscious skill is developing equanimity.

Equanimity is a state of mental calmness regardless of the situation. It’s a stillness in that ocean. How can you be as joyous, grateful, and loving whether you are at Disneyland or your house is on fire? That may seem like a big ask, but most spiritual practices from meditation to breathwork to prayer can help you cultivate peace of mind.

This post will offer tools to help you weather those occasional emotional storms and cultivate ways to manage your emotional energy.

Upset ethnic woman screaming in room
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Keep an Eye on Drama and Overreaction

We all overreact. However, people can forget it’s two parts: over and react. These excessive reactions can be charged with additional emotions making a typical response more extreme. These feelings may not even be remotely related to the situation.

Similarly, when others overreact because of triggers, emotional projections, or the work they must do on their issues.

Similarly, drama is when we bring unrelated emotions into relationships and situations, and they can color our perspectives. Sometimes, someone’s childhood traumas might make them inclined to bully, gossip, or start trouble. On some level, a part of them is emotionally fed by this unrest.

Overreactions are natural but are often a clue someone is bringing more to the table. Drama may help sell reality shows and gossip magazines, but in everyday life, it can cause more harm than good. The ability to rise above and not feed overreactions and drama can help you gain more control over your emotions.

Practice Emotional Detachment

Emotions are messages. However, we get to decide their meaning, intensity, and volume. Sometimes, when we’re sensitive or dealing with something we can feel emotions to an intense degree. Empathic people can often struggle with taking on other people’s emotions.

When engaging with emotions, cultivating a healthy sense of detachment can help you distance yourself from your emotions and their power over you. This can help you make more informed decisions from a clearer perspective. Part of how emotions get the best of you is by causing immediate reactions that can make things worse.

Oftentimes, when we feel too many emotions at once we can become dysregulated, anxious, or depressed. The more you cultivate a sense of detachment by not giving too much meaning or holding on too intensely to certain emotions the more you can make intentional decisions and better manage your side of the street.

Man Sitting on Bench
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Woman relaxing
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Try Quantum Energy

Certain emotions can leave you wiped out. It can feel like you’re filled with negative energy, bad vibes, or completely depleted. The solution just might be an influx of pure positive energy. Leela Quantum Tech has engineered different products that harness quantum energy. Quantum energy is purely positive and essentially the base form of energy.

Quantum Energy Frequency Cards can support managing emotions by giving you more mood-boosting energy, centering yourself at a calm vibration, and giving you more vitality to do the emotional work to wrestle control back into your hands.

They’re simple to use. Choose one of the 23 options programmed for specific emotional frequencies or outcomes. Emotions exist on different frequencies and can impact your energy, mood, and what you can attract into your life.

Carry your card for about 24 hours to align with your energy. Whenever you want to be at that emotional frequency or need to reconnect with that emotion you can grab the card and carry it with you.

 A bonus to these cards is they have some added benefits. The quantum energy of Leela Quantum Tech products has been linked to increased cellular energy, cell recovery, and protection against the physical and emotions of excessive EMF radiation exposure.

Cultivate a Peaceful Mind

Meditation is a key to establishing emotional detachment. It’s about connecting your mind, emotions, and your body. If we let our emotions get the best of us they can color our thoughts or cause physiological reactions like shallow breathing, an upset stomach, or a racing heartbeat. With more peace of mind, you get more control over your emotions.

Being able to pump the brakes before your emotional reactions escalate to the point of anxiety or overreaction can be vital. Meditation not only helps you get better control over how you feel, and helps you confront old emotions, reframe your thinking, and cultivate more calm in your body. In addition to meditation, other meditative practices like breathwork, yoga, running, or even working with your hands can help you clear out any emotional clutter hiding in your thoughts, emotions, and body.

Tea meditation.
© bodrumsurf via Getty Images
Drinking coffee with mountain view
© LiudmylaSupynska via Getty Images

Preserve Your Energy

Similar to detaching to not let emotions get the best of you, preserving your energy can help you examine how much energy you expending. Anger can waste energy, and holding back sadness can also take a lot of your energy.

Are you wasting a ton of energy overreacting or engaging in drama?

Do you waste a ton of time or money when emotions get the best of you?

Do you find yourself reaching for caffeine or a snack to try and boost your energy after dealing with a certain person, situation, or task?

While we should all strive to feel limitless, there are only so many hours in a day, you only have so much energy and can do so much. If you look at your energy as fixed or limited, you can prioritize what’s most vital. It can also help you better diagnose emotional drains or issues. Is it your mindset, how you’re feeling, the external factor that’s causing the emotion, or the level of which you’re reacting to it?

Scarcity increases value so this can help you take steps to make changes and address energy drains or activate emotions head-on.

Channel Emotional Energy

When we have a lot of emotions they are a form of energy. If you harness this energy into something you can do amazing things or at the very least change how you feel. Anger, sadness, or other strong emotions can be channeled into your art, goals, activities, and creativity.

Maybe you’re feeling really blue, how can you tell yourself a less sad story? This could lead to you writing an amazing fantasy story or compelling dramatic play. You can channel sadness into beautiful paintings or fund artistic projects.

If you’re feeling really angry or frustrated you can equally channel it into art, but also use that elevated energy to work harder on your career or your body at the gym. You can put this energy into how you show up for others. You may not be able to control how you feel but you can decide what you do with those emotions.

Woman Painting Outside Garden
© Jadson Thomas via Pexels
Man Sitting on Grass Field
© nima gerivani via Pexels

Get Them Out of Your Body

Emotions can live in the body. Bessel van der Kolk has popularized the idea of The Body Keeps the Score with his now-famous book that outlines much of his research into trauma’s effect on the body.

When people suffer intense trauma it can fundamentally affect the limbic system including the amygdala. They can experience additional trauma as their body tries to regulate and process their experience.

Similarly, emotions can exist in our bodies as muscle tension, poor posture, pain, and even illness. Exercising, stretching, and bodywork like massage can help get more flow into your body and help you process some of this energy.

Try visualizing all of the feelings leaving your body. Try sitting in nature in the woods, by the ocean, or even on grass. Hold your hands out and imagine all of the emotions leaving your body. Expelling excess energy can help downregulate the impact of these emotions. It also serves to remind yourself you have control over your emotions.

Final Thoughts 

Emotions are messages to help our mind, body, and spirit remain in alignment. However, for some, these can be whispers or yells. The degree to which these emotions impact us can affect our energy so managing the toll is vital for survival.

Hopefully, these tools can help you take the reins of your emotions and help them work for you rather than against you. Leela Quantum Tech has products that give you access to quantum energy which can boost not just your energy levels but also your mood and overall attitude.