Tis the season for gym membership ads, “New Year, New You” social media posts, and an overall fixation on reshaping your life. While overwhelming pressure can creep up in late December and early January there are some simple commitments you can make to have a completely different year next year.
Whether it’s the excitement of New Year’s resolutions or the clean slate of a fresh year there can be a temporary burst of excitement but real transformation takes time, support, and proper implementation. It’s common knowledge that while new year’s resolutions are popular they are not always the most successful.
While 62% of people feel pressured to make New Year’s Resolutions only about 9% are able to carry them throughout the year. Another study found that approach-oriented goals do a lot better than avoidant-oriented goals. This means that it’s easier to use the momentum of the new year to introduce new habits and activities rather than to stop old ones.
To help supercharge your goals for an amazing 2025 this post has some simple shifts that can make the next 12 months an overall win. They’re also outlook changes that you’re more likely to continue rather than resolutions that can fade or cause pressure.
Incorporate More Physical Activity
A lot of our culture is built around simplifying things to make more time for relaxation and comfort which can make us more sedentary. However, your body does need physical activity for conditioning and peak health. 79% of people who make resolutions make health-based resolutions whether to lose weight or improve their mental health.
More physical activity can help with all of these goals. Whether you work out regularly or have a more low impact lifestyle, incorporating more physical activity can provide wins across the board. More physical activity means you use your body more which lends itself to healthier conditioning and burning any excess calories. Using your body more can also boost your mental health and resolve any anxious energy.
Studies have found that increased physical activity can help with disease prevention like decreasing your chances of developing cancer, cardiovascular issues, or diabetes. It also can help overall with your mood and outlook.
This goal can be as simple as walking more and driving less, taking on a new sport or workout activity that can be fun, or setting a step goal for each day or week. By making a simple commitment to moving more and incorporating more physical activity you can commit month over month to getting more active which can increase your energy levels and benefit your body.
Mind What You Put in Your Body
When we’re busy we can forget the importance of what we put in our body. The right fuel can give us the right amount of energy. When we end up sucked into cycles of caffeine, sugar or bad habits like smoking it’s easy to miss some of the steps that lead up to our cravings.
While a new diet or quitting a certain bad habit might be a common resolution if you focus less on putting pressure on yourself but instead look at what you are bringing into your body you can get a clearer picture of what helps you and what hurts you.
While a resolution to cut items out of your diet, what if you got more mindful about how foods, snacks, or alcohol affect your body? Maybe you’re someone who coffee works great for but if you are irritable by lunchtime maybe it’s a sign you need to find a different strategy. You can try a different morning beverage or caffeine alternative.
If you want to cut down on smoking, drinking or sugar look at how you feel when you’re craving. How do you feel a few hours or days after you have it? As you get to know your body better you can start to see if these substances or habits overall serve you.
One simple thing to also keep an eye on is your water intake. With the large amounts of sodium in processed foods adding more regular water intake can be helpful.
Increase Your Energy
We all want more energy. We can often reclaim some by keeping an eye on our energy drains. We can also introduce energy boosts into our daily life. Leela Quantum Tech has created technology that infuses our body with quantum energy.
The H.E.A.L. capsule necklace gives your body a steady stream of quantum energy to have more swing in your step. By infusing your body with quantum energy it helps keep your vitality levels up while also reducing the impact of harmful EMFs.
Electromagnetic radiation that surrounds our technology and is in 5G, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi can impact our bodies in harmful ways. This quantum energy neutralizes the toll of this radiation.
You can also get a Quantum water bottle that not only supports your hydration goals but gives you more energy and water that is structured to better engage with your body.
Leela Quantum Tech products have been found to naturally boost your cells’ ATP production and overall cellular recovery. This means your cells are creating more units of energy and recovering more quickly from damage. This is part of what boosts you overall energy as your body is less depleted and naturally creating more energy.
Listen More
In our tech-heavy culture we can be bombarded by inbound information. This can leave us with a hankering for expressing ourselves and looking for places to talk, vent, and share. However, listening can work more on so many levels.
Actively listening when we talk with others can keep us more grounded and present in conversations.It can help you better retain what someone is saying and the more present you are the more you can avoid uncertainty or miscommunication.
Listening can also make us more attractive. A study recently found that people who listen appear more friendly and that listening makes someone more likely to choose to actively listen and to remember the interaction fondly.
Also, the more we listen the more we can make space for alternative perspectives, new information, and cut down on some of the internal chatter which can cause us to have negative moods or self-defeating narratives.
Listening more can make you more present for opportunities, create new lasting friendships and connections and add more positivity to your social life.
New Year’s resolutions are common but can be hard to follow through. Studies have shown there are problematic success rates and that restrictive resolutions are less likely to succeed. These simple shifts in mindset can hopefully support you in fully transforming your life.
Major growth and change happens incrementally. With the right outlook you can follow these four simple commitments and find massive shifts in your life come 2025. Rather than relying on the excitement of a new resolution, why not embrace a new way of thinking and way of life to invite in all you want for an amazing 2025.