Vital Information and Energy Boosts for Healers
Energy healing is becoming an everyday part of our world. Now it’s more common than ever to hire a life coach, work with a reiki healer or seek out spiritual guidance. That being said, as the landscape changes we’re also becoming more aware of the various ways our energy can be affected.
Energy healing can be transformative. It addresses what’s impacting our energy but can be healing to the mental, emotional and physical. While healers can deeply understand their specific modalities and how they work, science is still catching up to these ancient practices. Emerging technology, AI, and the wider dissemination of information is helping expand our collective understanding of our energy and its behavior.
Not every energy healer is an expert in thermodynamics or physics but much of the work energy healers do integrates the empirical (scientific) with the holistic (mental, emotional, physical). Understanding how these worlds relate can help you better practice, merchandise your services, and balance your own energies.
This post will give you some insight into different healing frequencies and how they work with science and the human body and some specific energy “power-ups” for practitioners to help improve your energy healing practice.

The Science Behind Energy Healing
As human beings, we have energy to both function through our days and are made of energy on the most fundamental level. The energy it takes to get up and go, workout, and live your life is not too different from the energy powering the device you’re reading this on. Human life relies on an electrical current. Our heart is powered by an electrical charge that makes it beat. The flow of thoughts, both voluntary and involuntary, are electrical impulses. The food we eat is broken down on the cellular level into chemical processes that give us energy.
Below that on the basest level of our existence, the tiniest bits of matter in atoms are held together by energetic bonds. Each atom has a nucleus surrounded by charged electrons. The movement of these electrons is how electricity works. Similarly, larger energy currents have an electromagnetic field surrounding them. Anything with an electrical current has one of these fields: your computer, television, power lines, and even the human body.
Energy healing works by engaging with this field. Practitioners engage with this field and scan for any inconsistencies. They realign the flow of energy by transmitting energy to this field. Limiting thoughts, emotional unrest, stagnant unprocessed energies, trauma, tension can all impact the flow of energy throughout the body. These energy issues can manifest in the mind, emotions, body, or in the energetic field.
Energy practitioners can sense issues on the external level and channel energy to fuel depleted areas, flush out stagnant energies, or boost energy flow. These energy therapies address multiple issues at once by noting where the misalignments are and exploring how to best address them. It’s also interesting how they are able to incorporate multiple fields of science.
Reiki, for example, can be done from a distance because energy transcends space and time. The symbol Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is used to channel reiki energy and impart it to clients regardless of where they are.
Other forms of energy healing like qigong, pranic healing, and aura cleansing all function in similar ways by addressing these misalignments in the bioenergetic field and using energy channeled by the healer. They address issues from the outside in. By addressing issues with the field or by channeling energy into the body they can help with issues that span all areas of life.
Additionally, many energy healing practices can be meditative. Many energy healers have to cultivate some level of equanimity or emotional regulation which can be inherently emotionally therapeutic to a client.
For example, reiki is governed by 5 principles or gokai:
- Just for today, I will not anger.
- Just for today, I will not worry.
- Just for today, I will live in gratitude.
- Just for today, I will work honestly at my best.
- Just for today, I will be kind to all.

These principles are not just great to live by, they do provide someone with a general air of kindness, openness, and calm that can also transmit to patients. Energy healing addresses many issues at once by providing mental and emotional calm and counseling combined with meditative practice and an infusion of healing energy.
Science is still working to validate the full gamut of energy healing however studies have been promising. One study explored the size of the human auras and how they can vary in children and adolescents. Study into the efficacy of reiki found it effective in helping manage pain and anxiety and another considered its use for pain management for the military. A double-blind study found distant bio-field therapy to be beneficial for many mental health issues and proved significantly more effective than the control group.
The Frequency of Healing
Common buzzwords in the wellness industry are “vibration” and “flow.” The goal is to be high-vibrational, essentially your energy flowing at its best. When we are at a higher vibration we are in a better mood, have more energy, and we are manifesting more of the life we want. Similarly, you want to be in the flow state where your brain is working most effectively to concentrate on a task.
These both rely on frequency. As beings of energy, we want our atoms to be vibrating at the right frequency. Additionally, much of our brain waves function on different frequencies. Part of energy healing is to raise our vibrational state.
There are forms of therapy that use different frequencies to help address energetic issues. Crystal healing uses the healing frequencies of specific stones to address specific ailments. Everything on earth has a fixed frequency. Certain gemstones vibrate in correlation with the highest vibration for certain parts of the body, energies like love, and healing frequencies. By using, wearing, or meditating with certain crystals you take on these frequencies to help raise your vibration.
Solfeggio frequencies are considered holy frequencies that when used can impact different areas of your body. Some study has found the potential of how these tones can work to help improve your physical and emotional state.
Sound healing is also a popular way to utilize frequencies. In the same way people use sage to smudge away negative energy, sound healing can be used to clear away lower vibrations and clear a space. Sounding bowls, bells, and certain tones can be used to cleanse and set the energetic tone of a room or working area. These can be used to help set the space of your practice and the area where you see clients.
What are some other energy boosts and improvements for energy healers and practitioners?

Energy Power Boosts for Practitioners
While energy healers and spiritual practitioners already understand many of these concepts they also have unique energy needs. After all, while many of these modalities involve calling on subtle energies, working with clients can inherently be draining.
Additionally, there’s a fundamentally greater need for grounding, more vital energy, and the occasional boost in order to nurture yourself when healing is your calling. This section pulls together some tips from various areas of energy healing you can adopt and incorporate to.
Is There a Way to Naturally Boost Your Energy?
Leela Quantum Tech has created products that give you direct access to quantum energy. The Infinity Bloc works as your own personal energy generator. It gives access to quantum energy which is essentially pure positive energy. It doesn’t just imbue objects with quantum energy but can also boost the space where you keep it.
Certain ions can be negatively charged and try to find balance by stealing electrons. Environmental factors, pollution, junk food and even the energy field of your technology (EMFs) can try to steal electrons from healthy cells. Quantum energy naturally neutralizes these factors by providing those electrons so they can keep away from your healthy cells.
The Infinity Bloc energy has been found to not only neutralize EMFs and Wi-Fi radiation and their effects on blood cells in your body. Leela Quantum Tech products have been proven in study to increase your vitality (as more energy production in cells), cell recovery and naturally raise the vibration of your room.
You can also use your Infinity Bloc to charge items like the tools you use in your practice. It can be used to bring water to a higher vibration. The experiments created by Masaru Emoto to test his theory that water has memory found that the Infinity Bloc changed the structure of the water.
This also works for food as one study found that only 3 minutes of exposure to the Infinity Bloc made food more tolerable for people with food intolerances.
You can use your Infinity Bloc to charge the items with quantum energy. It can also be used to collect different frequencies like certain herbs, crystals and other energy healing items. You can use these frequencies to charge different items and help support your practice and workspace.

What Crystals Are Great For Healers?
Crystals are growing in popularity and each stone is believed to operate at a different frequency or vibration. Are there special stones for healers to boost their skills?
Prehnite is a must-have for energy workers. It’s considered the healing stone for healers as it helps healers channel their healing energies inward. This allows them to receive what messages they need and replenish their energy by addressing their inner selves.
Scolecite is a great stone for replenishing energy after doing heavy heal work. It has a soft subtle energy and helps with meditation and the restorative self-work required to relax and recuperate after highly charged sessions with clients.
Black tourmaline is a great stone for grounding and can absorb any residual negative energies that stick around after a session. Salt is also great for absorbing negative energy. Keeping bowls with salt can provide a place for negative energies to go. Speaking of…what are other ways to set your healing space.
What are Some Great Ways to Set Your Healing Workspace?
Certain elements can add to the energy of your workspace. Plants can help provide fresh energy to the area. Plants absorb CO2 and convert it into oxygen. They do the same with negative energies and convert them into positive energy so they can naturally raise the vibration of a space.
Having plants helps harmonize your space. Fountains and water features serve a similar purpose by providing ambient white noise and the flow of water is great for the energy of a space. Fountains are popular in feng shui and are associated with prosperity and luck.

Final Thoughts
Energy healing is growing in popularity but the research behind it is still in its earlier stages. It’s also best for energy healers to understand a bit more of the science behind the work they do to better explain the intersection of empirical science and holistic wellness.
That being said, energy practitioners still have special needs and could use ways to boost their energy to help more clients and better help themselves. What are your needs as a healer? What are some of your favorite ways to boost your practice and performance as a healer? Please share in the comments to help spread that