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From Boardroom to Playground: Harnessing Water’s Energy for Your Busy Life

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Can Your Relationship with Water Help Your Daily Life?

Water is one of the most vital substances on the planet, we need it to live, we’re made of it, but we rarely think about the true power of water. We often take for granted how much we need water that we barely think about what water can do for us. Can you use water to boost your goals and to support your goals in life? 

Our relationship with this life-giving elixir can show up in so many areas of our life. Maybe we are dehydrated, having too much water and flushing out vital nutrients and it just might be impacted by the energy around us. 

You may filter your water or add a little lime or cucumber but what about imbuing it with energy or positive intentions? That may sound controversial but this post will explore a bit about our relationship with water and how you can use it to help support your goals. From centering yourself to properly hydrating to even boosting your H20 with quantum energy it’s all a possible simple change to a regular part of your life. 

Before we get to how you can add to your hydration regime let’s look at some of the properties of water. 

The Properties of Water

Your relationship with water can impact you in various ways, the human body is 60% water so being under or over hydrated can impact your body’s peak functioning. If you remember your high school biology class you may remember that water is involved in so many vital biological processes. You may not know that your major organs are also made up of water. 

Here are some interesting percentages:

  • Your brain and heart are 73% water
  • Your lungs are made of 83% water
  • Your skin contains 64% water, 
  • Muscles and kidneys are 79% 
  • Even your bones contain 31% water

In addition to being composed of water there are vital body functions that rely on water. Water plays a vital role in transporting nutrients and waste through your body in your blood. Your hydration levels can impact blood pressure. Not enough water can increase your heart rate because your heart has to work harder to pump blood throughout your body. 

Your brain and nervous system rely on water to act as a shock absorber so random jostling of your head and neck doesn’t damage vital parts of your nervous system. Dehydration can affect your cognition and mental clarity. If you’re suffering from brain fog, fatigue, or even some mood swings it could be your body struggling from lack of proper hydration. 

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Content black woman with daughter drinking water near window
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We know you need water for proper digestion. It makes up saliva and it pops up throughout the digestive process helping things move. What you may not know is that even healthy dietary choices also require water. 

If you choose to have a high protein diet you need to drink more water to help with your kidneys because they’re working harder to process waste products from synthesizing those proteins. If you have a lot of fiber you’ll water to ensure you have enough water to not get constipated. 

You also need water for your immune system because lymphatic fluid does not pump through the body. Water intake helps ensure that it properly circulates throughout your body. This ensures that there’s no buildup and that parts of your body receive access to lymphatic fluid. 

Water is even valuable on the cellular level. If cells do not have enough water it puts them under stress. Oxidative stress is what happens naturally due to outside pollutants and aged cells putting healthy living cells under stress to try to snag electrons to balance their energy. 

This is a major cause of aging. Oxidative stress combined with the reduced elasticity that comes from improper hydration levels just might be a cosmetic reason to have that second or third cup of water. The best bet for young healthy looking skin is proper hydration. 

Water is also vital for energy production. It is what gets released by cellular respiration which is when our body converts sugars like glucose into ATP. ATP is a molecule that we use to qualify energy and how it is stored on the cellular level. Water is also vital for the release of the energy from these ATP molecules. 

Now that you know why you need water is there anything to be said for how you use water? Let’s explore the hot topic of the memory of water. 

Does Water Have Memory? 

You may have heard the theory that water has memory. This concept first entered the scientific realm when Jacques Benveniste first brought this hypothesis to the world. He believed that water retained some “memory” of the various compounds that it engaged with and that this fundamentally changed the water molecules. 

Further study found that some of these studies were complicated to replicate. But it’s an interesting idea that continues to inspire more study. One of the more contemporary and well-known figures in the study of the “memory” of water was Dr. Masaru Emoto. 

Emoto wrote the New York Times bestseller The Hidden Messages in Water. He explored how certain energies and emotions impacted the crystal formation of water when it was frozen. His famous study explored how certain intentions and emotions impacted the shape of water crystals. 

While study on this topic does continue it’s worth considering if a little intention can go a long way in your water consumption. You need water for a myriad of reasons and it can be impacted by certain emotions or intentions so is there a way to make water work for you? 

Clean drinking water
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Woman in Activewear drinking a Bottle of Water

Can You Program Your Water? 

We have a ton of distractions and consuming thoughts. We have a lot of people, places and things calling for our energy, attention, and focus. So what if you could charge water with your intentions so that it can boost not just your hydration but your goals and visions for the future. 

The work of Dr. Emoto pointed to water retaining certain emotional resonances which were observable in ice’s crystalline shapes. That being said, why not program water with affirmations? This could be as simple as writing an affirmation on your water bottle or even praying or visualizing your intention while holding your water before you drink it. 

Even if you’re skeptical, the act of associating giving your body the water that it needs and the thought you are trying to retain through affirmation or positive intention is creating a solid unconscious connection. So even if you don’t believe it’s working on the atomic level you can still try it. You get the added bonus of committing both to ensuring you’re properly hydrated and reminding yourself regularly of what you want to bring into your life.  

Chemically, water is highly conductive to energy. You can also charge your water with quantum energy. Leela Quantum Tech has created products that give you easy access to quantum energy. 

Quantum energy is pure positive energy. It helps reduce oxidative stress by addressing free radicals that tax our cells. Electromagnetic fields that surround our technology and the wi-fi, 5G, and Bluetooth all have radiation. 

While not at the same level as nuclear radiation it can still impact us on a cellular level. It has a net negative charge so it puts cells under stress by trying to steal electrons. Quantum energy has been found to neutralize those energy drains ensuring that our cells don’t prematurely age or get denatured. It gives that radiation the electrons it needs. It’s also been found to limit the impact of EMFs on blood cells

Products like the Quantum Infinity Bloc have been found to increase ATP production on the cellular level meaning your body makes and more effectively uses energy. Also, the Emoto Institute in Japan found that water charged with Leela Quantum Tech had more structured crystals. 

If you’re struggling with hydration and don’t want to add an extra step to water you can purchase a Leela Quantum Tech water bottle which provides you with a better tasting water that’s chock full of quantum energy to help give your body a boost to all of its body processes and a bit of extra energy. 

Thirsty man drinking water during training in park
© Gustavo Fring via Pexels


Whether you have work goals, personal aspirations or simply want to feel better water just might have a hand in it. Proper hydration can help your goals of weight loss, looking younger, and ensure your body is working at its best.  

In our busy over caffeinated, overworked lives your body may not be getting what it needs. Additionally, you may not be taking advantage of what you can do with water. By making your daily water intake a reminder of the life you want to live and by ensuring you have the best possible water just might be the key to having it for yourself. 


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