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EMF Clothing: Fashion that Protects

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Is Radiation Protective Clothing the Wave of the Future? 

Our lives have forever been changed by the invention of electricity, the Internet, and our cell phones. However, there may be a time when the sheer mass of all of the devices in our lives are revealed to have an impact on our physical health. The reason: EMFS. Clothing is hitting the market that protects us from this form of radiation.

 EMFs are electromagnetic fields that surround anything with an electrical charge. They’re also present in the wireless ways we access the Internet and engage with devices i.e. 5G, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Products like EMF shielding paints and home faraday cages are available to create EMF-free spaces in your home. Is EMF protective clothing the next logical step?

 EMF shielding hats, jackets, and activewear are not just for fashion. They help protect your health from the sheer mass of EMFs we’re exposed to on a regular basis. They’re designed to shield your body from the radiation by absorbing or reflecting EMFs.

 Similar to how white and lighter color clothes reflect sunlight making them cooler in summer weather and darker clothes absorb heat, there is clothing that can repel or absorb EMF radiation. There’s a strategy to this new type of clothing. Before we dive into how EMF protective clothing works, let’s look at why we might need EMF protection in the first place.

What’s the Cause for Concern?

All of our devices have electromagnetic fields surrounding them. These EMFs can interact with our body in a myriad of ways that can impact our health. After all, our body has an electrical current so it has its own EMF.

Science continues to find the fallout of our heavy tech usage. We’ve heard the warnings about blue light and eye health or the correlation between screen time and ADHD but many may not know the full impact of EMFs. Generally, the understanding is that the EMFs of our devices are at safe levels.

However, we don’t fully understand the epidemiological impact. The science is inconclusive because there have been studies on both sides. But it does beg the question: can these studies  accurately mimic our real life exposure? How much time do you spend using your phone? How many devices are there in your home? What if you work in an environment with tons of servers or multiple devices. 

It’s important to consider that what might be safe enough for a company to roll out to the public after rigorous or not-so-rigorous testing isn’t the same as fully knowing the long term effects or risk. Only time will tell how 5G fundamentally affects the human body now that it’s more widely used.

The connection between sun exposure and melanoma was not made until the 1970s when skin cancer was discovered as far back as the early 1800s. Sun protection was not invented until the 1930s and the connection between unprotected sun exposure and skin cancer was not made until the 1970s.

Could the case for EMF protection be similar? Of course there were obvious scientific limitations to making these connections. It also wasn’t after decades that the symptoms revealed themselves. Additionally, we may also be limited by our ability to truly assess the impact of EMFs on our body.

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We have neither the data or the full understanding of what happens when our bodies interact with these forms of radiation for as much or for as long as they do. Our body’s cells are not necessarily meant to be constantly bombarded by radiation, even if it’s low grade and technically safe. Additionally, as we pursue faster internet speeds like 5G and emerging technology like AI this can only increase the impact. What happens when the body is exposed to EMFs?

What can EMFs do to the body?

EMFs put your cells under stress. This is where our cells are under attack on the atomic level often by ions, a.k.a. free radicals that need electrons. Part of the appeal of antioxidants is they help battle the various forms of oxidative stress by feeding these free radicals.

Since our cells react as if they’re under attack this launches a whole host of biological processes. Again, some of the study is inconclusive. Do EMFs encourage cancer or can they be used as a treatment by attacking cancer cells?

EMF exposure impacts cell behavior. After all, our cells communicate via electrical signals. The World Health Organization still classifies our cell phones as “possibly carcinogenic” to humans.

A study by Dr. Beverly Rudik explored how wi-fi impacted blood cells. Using darkfield microscopy you can see from the images from the study how exposure to wi-fi changed how these cells interacted.

Science is still in contention about the full impact of EMFs. There is a financial incentive to have products on the market regardless of if they can impact your health. Like those who did not discover the correlation between skin cancer and sun exposure, we simply may not have the technology or data to understand the connection.

Does this mean it’s time for a change in fashion?

How Does EMF Clothing Work?

EMF clothing is fairly simple. Standard fabric materials like cotton are woven together with super fine strands of metals like copper, nickel, stainless steel, or silver. These metals then absorb or repel the energy of EMFs creating  a natural barrier.

This keeps electromagnetic radiation from penetrating the clothing and accessing your cells. There are hats to protect you from the EMFs of your phone and to protect your brain as well as other products like scarves to protect your thyroid.

In physics, a faraday cage creates a barrier where no electromagnetic fields can enter. EMF protective clothing operates in the same way only on a less visible level as the clothing acts as the cage to shield your body from EMF penetration.

Where Can You Get EMF Protective Clothing?

Leela Quantum Tech has developed a line of EMF protective clothing including hats, shirts and jackets. Their products have been certified by both the The Austrian BESA Institute  on Bioenergetic System Analysis and the  International Electrosmog Research Society that studies the effects of electrosmog and their impact on the human body.

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Our relationship with technology is not likely to change anytime soon. However, the need to consider the toll of our technology may come faster than we realize. A little protection can go a long way in shielding your cells from the constant stress of our tech-heavy lives.