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EMF and Mobile Devices: 4 Energy Improvements to Consider

Most of us are accustomed to modern life’s electronic conveniences. However, only a few know the numerous health risks that may arise from gadgets that simplify life.

Below, we look at how mobile devices emit EMFs, their potential side effects, and the energy improvements you can make to live a healthier lifestyle.

Faceless person browsing smartphone near laptop
© Teona Swift via Pexels

What are EMFs?

 Electromagnetic frequencies, primarily known as EMFs, are a form of radiation emitted by electronic devices and nature (the sun also produces EMFs).

There are two types of electromagnetic frequencies: ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.

We will focus primarily on non-ionizing radiation as it is what mobile devices produce.

What is the link between EMF and mobile devices?

As mentioned, mobile devices such as laptops, tablets, phones, and Bluetooth emit varying electromagnetic frequencies.

How do EMFs from mobile devices affect your health?

 IARC, a body working for the World Health Organization, regularly convenes scientist groups from all over the world to assess potential cancer risks humans face due to particular lifestyle and environmental factors.  IARC recently classified all non-ionizing EMFs as Group 2B, describing them as possible carcinogens.

The organization’s report states that there could be a direct link between phone radiation and cancer, especially Glioma, which commonly affects the brain and, in some instances, the spinal cord.

Other side effects of continuous EMF exposure include:

  • Sleep disturbance
  • Lack of concentration
  • Tremors
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Lack of energy
  • Loss of memory

Energy improvements to consider

 Now that you understand EMFs, how mobile devices emit them, and their potential side effects, we will look at changes you can implement to avoid experiencing such effects.

1. Only buy gadgets with approved EMF ratings.

ICINIRP (The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection), a body under the World Health Organization, frequently publishes guidelines specifying the amounts of EMF radiation that humans shouldn’t be exposed to.

For instance, in 2020, the body stated that humans aren’t supposed to interact with radiation more than ten milliamperes.

Always check the amount of EMF radiation a mobile device produces and compare it with ICNIRP guidelines before purchasing. In the US, some states have set restrictions; you can use them as a guide. Studies also show that electronics with a lower radiation output have a better lifespan.

Have a headache
© Tharakorn arunothai via Tharakorn arunothai
Tenant Person Relaxing Near Fan
© AndreyPopov via Getty Images

2. Use the Infinity Bloc from Leela Quantum Tech.

The Infinity Bloc is expertly designed to charge items with pure quantum energy. It’s an essential item to have while you are trying to lessen your exposure to EMFs produced by mobile devices.

You can use the Bloc to charge your phones, laptops, jewelry, and other gadgets at home, in the car, or at the office.

Apart from neutralizing EMFs, the Infinity Bloc provides quantum energy that helps activate healing and enhance focus.

3.  Use EMF protection clothing.

 It can be challenging to avoid carrying mobile gadgets like smartphones or Bluetooth earphones in your pockets. Fortunately, you can prevent extra EMF exposure by wearing EMF protection clothing.

These clothes have silver threads woven into their fabric, enabling them to act as an EMF shield effectively.

In addition, EMF protective clothing has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, so you do not have to be afraid that sweat will affect it, especially if you are an exercise enthusiast.

4. Occasionally unplug from mobile devices.

Increased EMF exposure can affect your sleep cycle. If you don’t get adequate sleep, you will be fatigued during the day, hindering your overall productivity.

Setting aside a few hours is advisable to avoid using mobile devices. You can do this at night by ensuring your bedroom has no electronics and switching off the Wi-Fi.

After a few days, you will notice better sleep cycles and heightened energy levels, which will prevent fatigue and exhaustion.

Extra tip to implement

Maximize the power of plants.

Apart from their aesthetic appeal, plants can filter the air in your home or office and absorb toxins through their leaves.

Plants like cactus, peace lily, and pot mum (chrysanthemum) absorb EMFs emitted by devices and prevent indoor pollution. For instance, I have three plants in every room in the house and a few in the corner of my office. You can implement a similar strategy or choose one that suits you best.

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 EMFs and mobile devices are intrinsically tied together, so you will be exposed to EMFs while using these electronics. Fortunately, you can implement measures to limit radiation’s impact.